... some detailed features ...
shell integration (double-click ascii files
in your explorer to view them ... or scan a directory for
the files inside without any further clicks), or
create a new file with a single click.
drag'n'drop support (just drop any file you want
to see into jane to open it, or folder to browse for files).
sum: jane supports drag'n drop of files and folders.
handling hyperlinks (you will be able to open url
from jane. just click on a url or mail address. it will
be opened in your standard application).
multi instance (you can specify whether you want
only one instance of the program to be allowed (files will
be opened in the same window) or more).
copy on select (text is copied to clipboard right
after you've selected it and released your mouse button/cursor
keys). set it up to flicker or not to flicker, to indicate
browse directories for certain filetypes that you define.
you can easily register additional filetypes to open
with jane.
able to fit onto file width - no need to resize jane
for every single file.
a "recently opened files" menu with max.
30 entries. you can turn this menu on/off.
up to ten different font schemes can be configured, so
it's very easy to switch between different fonts.
many edit functions for strings like reverse, lower
and upper vowels, randomize and invert.