updated MultiTimer today, enjoy! we've removed some bugs and added some features (again) ...
/np: "autumn of communion - end (sunrise for claudio)", "pleq everyday pressure" and "alka - what will become of your high existence" /nw: "ripley - season 01/episode 07: VII - makabre unterhaltung" /nr: "steve cavanagh - eddy flynn 03 - liar"
updated MultiTimer and RekSFV today, enjoy! we've removed some bugs and added some features ...
/np: "organoid - cascade" and "telefon tel aviv - something akin to lust" /nw: "true detective - season 04/episode 06: night country" /nr: "martin cruz smith - die spur des baeren"
today is already the 25th (!) anniversary!
p.s.: MP3Releaser updated today. if anyone knows how to solve the problem with covers within FLAC (using gambit's flacfiles.pas from the audio tools library) then let us know please.
/np: "yimino - piper" /nw: "the continental - season 01/episode 03: night 3: theater of pain" /nr: "christopher clark - fruehling der revolution: europa 1848/49 und der kampf fuer eine neue welt"
bugfixes for RekSFV today, some nasty issues unfortunately found their way into the exe, sorry for that early update.
we've found something old while debugging ...
beckhoff twincat 2.0 (ptp etc. and profinet) and trumpf (trumark) made it quite easy for us to make our own ... eehm ... "tools" a long time ago =)
/np: "dunaewsky69 - sw" /nw: "der untergang des hauses usher - season 1/episode 06: goldbug" /nr: "martin cruz smith - nacht in havanna"
updated MultiTimer and RekSFV today, enjoy! we've removed some bugs ...
/np: "last step - avocado" /nw: "dopesick - season 01/episode 08: the people vs. purdue pharma" /nr: "walter isaacson - leonardo da vinci"
updated MultiTimer today, added a clock window for each timer:
/np: "lorenzo montanà - neKto" /nw: "vigil tod auf hoher see - season 01/episode 05" /nr: "martin suter - cheers"
updated MultiTimer and CD/DVD/BR-Disk Compiler today, some features and gimmicks added, e.g. nasty trayicons with ETA, multiple instances etc.. feel free to play around with it, comments/bugreports and requests go here, hopefully there are not many left. and only a small fix on jane.
/np: "chevron - cyberia" and "dryft - end of the in" /nw: "the last of us - season 01/episode 07: left behind" /nr: "lars chittka - the mind of a bee" and "terry pratchett - unseen academicals"
today is already the 24th (!) anniversary!
p.s.: MultiTimer and RekSFV updated today ...
/np: "lackluster - krhm" /nw: "wednesday - season 01/episode 06: quid pro woe" /nr: "joe r. lansdale - moon lake"
cosmetics/additions made for RekSFV today.
/np: "arovane - yua:e" /nw: "hightown - season 2/episode 03: fresh as a daisy" /nr: "j.k. rowling - der ickabog"
jane v1.77 has been released today, get it here!
/np: "adam johnson - anex", "zarmun - two hundred and two", "isan - spinning jennie" and "e*vax - water to our ankles" /nw: "succession - season 3/episode 03: the disruption" /nr: "hervé le tellier - die anomalie"
today is already the 23rd errr ... 20th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/
p.s.: @ja.ne.: i still love you ...
/np: "delayscape - fs attack", "very long cat - puppet people" and "photophob - correlation fuck" /nw: "arcane: league of legends - season 01/episode 05: everybody wants to be my enemy" /nr: "sven regener - glitterschnitter" and "tichys einblick 01/2022"
a minor fix for CD/DVD/BR-Disk Compiler and some cosmetics/additions for RekSFV today.
/np: "acrnym - knife" and "keef baker - the glass tax" /nw: "the flight attendant - season 01/episode 03: funeralia" /nr: "wirtschaftswoche #21 21.05.2021"
jane v1.76 has been released today, get it here! as well as there is an updated version of MultiTimer - enjoy!
/np: "kettel - life nine sky", "architect - snow. 3rd drift", "standalone complex - home" and "autechre - cichli" /nw: "archer - season 11/episode 05: best friends" and "the undoing - season 1/episode 6: the bloody truth" /nr: "tc boyle - die terranauten" and "tichys einblick 02/2021"
today is already the 22nd errr ... 19th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/
p.s.: @ja.ne.: i still love you ... p.p.s.: MultiTimer updated to v1.0.1, small additions you might like!
/np: "autechre - tilapia", "diamat - painkillers", "clark - petroleum tinged" and "veell - 3ndlex" /nw: "i know this much is true - season 01/episode 05: five" /nr: "ian mcewan - maschinen wie ich"
small cosmetics at CD/DVD/BR-Disk Compiler, MP3R, RekSFV and a new addition: MultiTimer (since i didn't find anything suitable).
/np: "cheju - stylet" /nw: "truth seekers - season 01/episode 07: the hinckley boy" /nr: "ken bruen - jack taylor auf dem kreuzweg"
small cosmetics at CD/DVD/BR-Disk Compiler, useful when doing the same movements/copy session from e.g. hdd to sdcards. last used entry will be remembered, as well as column's sorting direction.
/np: "µ-ziq - christ dust" and "set before us - earth destroyer" .oO(i know, kind a weird mix of taste in music ;) /nw: "ozark - season 03/episode 09: fire pink" /nr: "tichys einblick 06/2020"
jane v1.75 has been released today, get it here! some additions and cosmetics ... as well as there is an updated version of RekSFV (minor cosmetic), too - enjoy!
/np: "perceptions - castaway" and "phylum sinter - das bootie" /nw: "tales from the loop - season 01/episode 02: transpose" /nr: "ken bruen and jason starr - flop" and "thomas piketty - kapital und ideologie"
yes, we're somehow alive ... even if one should have enough time to do/fix/implement different issues, we're quite lazy.
some additions and implemented requests for RekSFV.
/np: "the northern - solifer" /nw: "his dark materials - season 01/episode 04: armour" /nr: "tichys einblick 02/2020"
today is already the 21st errr ... 18th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/ updated cdc to v1.2.7 today.
p.s.: @ja.ne.: i still love you ...
/np: "pvris - death of me" and "pvris - old wounds" /nw: "der pass - staffel 01/episode 04: die bösen und unartigen" /nr: "edward snowden - permanent record"
thanks for all the feedback, so some issues could be tracked and fixed on mp3releaser, so better update your version!
/np: "ochre - karoshi dawn" /nw: "the first - season 01/episode 05: two portraits" /nr: "alexander schimmelbusch - hochdeutschland"
p.s.: pentobarbital, anyone? contact us please!
jane v1.74 has been released today, get it here! small additions and cosmetics ... as well as there are updated versions of RekSFV, nG! and CD/DVD/BR-Disk Compiler, enjoy!
/np: "funckarma - the other dredge" /nw: "the punisher - season 02/episode 09: collision course" /nr: "lisa margonelli - underbug: an obsessive tale of termites and technology"
some additions and small cosmetics again at CD/DVD/BR-Disk Compiler, as well as the mp3releaser got a huge update, the first since 2017. there were some detailed bug reports, so we were able to reproduce and fix most of them, so thanks for the feedback. most important: the FLAC-bug where corrupted files are generated is (hopefully) eleminated!
/np: "funckarma - chemical chain reaction" /nw: "snowfall - season 02/episode 07: das crack-imperium" /nr: "don winslow - frankie machine"
today is already the 20th errr ... 17th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/
p.s.: @ja.ne.: i still love you ...
/np: "ochre - anomie" /nw: "better call saul - season 04/episode 10: winner" /nr: "dietmar wischmeyer - achtung artgenosse"
some additions and small cosmetics at CD/DVD/BR-Disk Compiler like partition types, filesize limit checks on target and a more detailed progress info, just to name a few ...
/np: "quench - smog" /nw: "disenchantment - season 01/episode 08: auf der suche nach unsterblichkeit" /nr: "herfried münkler - der dreißigjährige krieg: europäische katastrophe, deutsches trauma 1618-1648"
some major changes within cdc, so we suggest to update (e.g. shellnotify was not implemented correctly, so cdc now doesn't freeze anymore, as well as there are new columns to sort by). jane now supports triple click like notepad++ and RekSFV has got some (small) improvements, too.
/np: "quench - triton" /nw: "happy! - season 01/episode 06: schrottplatz der kindlichen dinge" /nr: "robert harris - münchen"
some efforts are made to this tool, seems that still some people are in need to make compilations of video/photo/music that will fit onto external drives or even optical media. so get the new version here.
we've made major changes here, and since we compiled this with embarcadero rad studio xe2 instead of borland delphi 6 the new filesize is somehow bigger than before ;)
enjoy, and feel free to report bugs/request functions ...
/np: "the future sound of london - my kingdom" and "funckarma - ecilon" (idm > * ... still!) /nw: "safe - season 01/episode 04: tag vier" /nr: "robert harris - münchen"
jane v1.72 has been released today, get it here! small changes (e.g. search text is highlighted) and some bugs got fixed, enjoy! still trying to port old delphi6 code to xe2 ... stay tuned.
/np: "ochre - airweight", "ochre - revolver", "plaid - fer" and "plaid - elevator" (idm > *) /nw: "the terror - season 01/episode 06: mitgefühl und gnadenakt" /nr: "kevin d. mitnick - die kunst der anonymität im internet" and "sven regener - wiener strasse"
today is already the 19th errr ... 16th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/ updated jane to v1.71 today, as well as RekSFV v1.7.8 is available now, too.
p.s.: @ja.ne.: i still love you ...
/np: "gideon - false profits" and "autechre - second scepe" /nw: "manhunt: unabomber - season 01/episode 04: publish or perish" /nr: "marc elsberg - blackout" (still :)
we had to remove a nasty bug here (sha vs. sfv for additional extensions), thanks for your feedback! get the current version here.
/np: "counterparts - haunt me" /mw: "archer - season 06/episode 08: the kanes" /nr: "marc elsberg - blackout"
supporting tiger/ripe and haval-files now, too. if you find bugs, please report! get the current version here.
/np: "fix8:sed8 - permanent memory loss" /nw: "berlin station - season 01/episode 10: berlin" /nr: "karl ove knausgård: sterben"
p.s.: guys, it is ridiculous to write bug reports without a valid reply email-address - since some issues are easily pointed out via email or topics clarified in general ... thanks.
updated .nG! after 3 years again - since there seem to be 2-3 people out there using it. parsing IMDB-URLs was in need of an update. all current supported tags (#Cast, #Storyline, #Title, #Director, #Rating, #Runtime, #Year and #Genre) are automatically filled! feel free to play around with it, comments/requests go here, some additions are already implemented.
/np: "set on end - dark beyond" /nw: "the hand of god - season 02/episode 08: was übrig bleibt" /nr: "jan costin wagner - nachtfahrt"
today is already the 18th errr ... 15th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/
p.s.: @ja.ne.: i still love you ...
/np: "architects - downfall"
p.p.s.: it seems we're completely lost ... and we've lost someone else, too. is anyone out there able to supply pharmaceuticals? contact us ...
/np: "architects - the bitter end"
we added support for sha256/sha512-files (requested) as well as we had to fix the handling of utf-8 files, hopefully we didn't introduce new bugs. if you find one, please report! get the current version here.
/np: "capsize - spent" /nw: "mr. robot - season 02/episode 03: eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd" /nr: "ian kershaw - höllensturz"
we've been in need of filling external hdds up to the max, so cdc got an update: select the target-hdd instead of optical volume sizes. so there's no need of manually selecting folders anymore, you'll find the tool here ...
/np: "aphex twin - cheetaht2 (ld spectrum)"
some changes and bugfixes, as well as 2 additional languages have been added. thanks to kopejkin and pan3o for providing the russian and polish translations for RekSFV! Get it here.
/np: "e.s.c. - gods own miserable exception" /nw: "stranger things - season 01/episode 03: holly, jolly" /nr: "sebastian fitzek - der augenjäger"
p.s.: i still love you, ja.ne. ... :/
yep, we're still alive - somehow. mp3releaser (several issues, get it here) and jane (cosmetics, get it here) have been updated today as well. feel free to report any bugs left/introduced to get them out of the code.
/np: "hocico - i will be murdered" /nw: "utopia - season 01/episode 01"
RekSFV v1.7.0 has been released today, get it here! translated into chinese simplified (thanks to WanderMax!) with some minor changes/fixes. enjoy!
/np: "for all those sleeping - red" /nw: "better call saul - season 01/episode 07: bingo"
p.s.: don't wonder about exe's filesize, we had to move from Borland Delphi 7 to Embarcardero Delphi XE2. p.p.s.: @ ja.ne.: you've been completely right, back then in '99 ...
today is already the 16th errr ... 13th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/
p.s.: @ja.ne.: i still love you ... p.p.s.: .nG!, CD/DVD/BR Compiler, MP3Releaser and mCopy have been updated today.
/np: "sarea - conform with me" /nw: "oculus (you see what it wants you to see)"
jane v1.69 has been released today, get it here! for all the changes please see the screenshot shown below, one major change is the colored hyperlinks/hotwords feature - we're quite sure you will like it.
p.s.: RekSFV has been updated to v1.6.6, too.
/np: "wolves at the gate - the father's bargain" /nw: "true detective - season 01/episode 03: der verschlossene raum"
dedicated to my one. true. love.
updated .nG! where we've been quite lazy last years - now supporting matroska files, too ... and you can parse the complete IMDB-URL now. all current supported tags are automatically filled! feel free to play around with it, comments/requests go there.
p.s.: we've got a dozens of depressions to offer, you might want one ($100 each). luckily it's day-8 before we can wake up our blonde escort again ...
/np: "Dawn Heist - II) Zenith"
today is already the 15th errr ... 12th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/
jane v1.68 has been released today, get it here! see included changelog.nfo for all the small changes!
p.s.: we want to introduce our new blonde escort (mind the sticker on the bootie :) ... still working on previous issue, we didn't succeed yet.
/np: "Amduscia - Check Mate"
jane v1.67 has been released today, get it here! RekSFV has been updated (to v1.6.5), and MP3Releaser has been updated as well (to v3.5.1). see included changelog.nfo for all the changes!
p.s.: you might have noticed it: we're still alive. unfortunately. desperately waiting for cancer or a nice sudden car/bike accident ...
p.p.s.: @ja.ne.: do you remember? i do :/
today is already the 14th errr ... 11th (!) anniversary! thank you all for your support! celebrate! :/
we've been in need for a kind of gui for uwe sieber's usb drivelettermanager program lately, and since it seems there's none out yet we simply decided to create one, called usbdlmc (USB DriveLetterManagerConfigurator ;) - feel free to use/test it, and report bugs and feature requests if there are any!
it's a 23rd again, so we can announce to release some apps again: we added some features to RekSFV v1.6.3 and jane v1.66, removed some bugs, so consider updating your local versions with this and that. morgie's mp3releaser and binaryclokk were updated, too - so get it here and here. if you miss anything, let us know! a note to all the mp3releaser users: always test carefully, and your feedback is appreciated!